‘And we’re OFF!’ | A Note From 1744 Founder Myles Donnelly

by Myles Donnelly

With much anticipation, patience and almost two years of planning, we have finally launched our online store. The team at 1744 have worked tirelessly to bring our first releases to market. Many ideas didn't make it to concept and some were halted at sampling, but the products that we have brought to you are just the beginning.

Chenille patch concept/prototype.

We have dug deep to truly understand ourselves in where we have come from and how this identity can not only fit in the golf community but also be welcomed as a valued contributor to the greatest sport in the world. 

1744 Director, Myles Donnelly

We have come to recognise some great modern contributors to this exceptional community that reflect their own cultural realities. In a world of almost endless beliefs, experiences and circumstances, the potential benefit to the game of golf is limitless. Our products are developed with this mantra in mind; one that reflects our past, present and future.

Our products don't look too bad off the course either.

Myles Donnelly

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